Para-planning Manager

Gregory Craig


The tale of Gregory, a man of finance whose career began at the start of the century. He has navigated the treacherous waters of the Australia and International Investment and Banking Corporations, acquiring vast knowledge in the intricacies of financial planning, from superannuation to risk and debt management.

Now, spanning more than two decades, Gregory has earned his Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning, but his hunger for knowledge is not yet quenched. He’s now setting his sights on the Masters of Finance to further hone his skills.

Despite his busy schedule, Gregory values a well-balanced life. By working part-time, he has the opportunity to pursue his passion for aiding others through community work in the Parramatta area of Sydney, all done on a voluntary basis, of course. And when he’s not adventuring through the realms of finance and philanthropy, Gregory is a culinary artist, exploring the gastronomic delights of foreign lands.

  • 02 9955 7288
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